Thursday, October 27, 2011

The toil of the many goes to the fortunate few

~ Thievery Corporation

It's funny how, when I was much younger,
I didn't pay much attention to people like MLK. I guess it was just someone else's problem. Not that I didn't care, I just didn't REALLY have the empathy... and it was someone else's problem. I know. I said that twice. Not MY problem.

I thought Ralph Nader was "a fruit" because everyone said he was. Whatever, this was politics, and there was nothing I could do about it. Politics was a subject that I didn't want anything to do with. Besides, there was nothing I could do about it.

There have always been our heroes for justice and we have all witnessed the torturous and slow struggle for it. They fight for our rights and we "wish" we could help. We know there's not much, if anything we can do. And, really, it's not our fault. We didn't do it.

It really isn't our fault; we have been conditioned to feel this way. I'd rather chill with a cocktail and a puff or two while I unwind from my day and psych up for the next one than even THINK about all the crap that I have no control over.

My perspective changed.
Discrimination impacted my life and I found out what it's like to be judged and dismissed in a moment's glance. I now empathise with all those whose natural human rights are compromised and denied. 
I woke up. The conditioning has been broken. I have my own  mind.
Recently I realised that almost everyone's rights have been compromised. Compromised by law! Laws imposed by those with the most money. Yea, we all know that's the way it is, the way it was and the way it's going to be. "Same as it ever was." ~ Talking Heads

I can't do "that's how it's going to be" any more. Now there is a real chance to DO something about how we've been screwed while the screwers, that one percent, held us down.

The Occupy movement is the fastest growing protest in our history, so I've been told, and rightly so. This movement is not for some minority and not for "someone that doesn't matter." It's not for someone else. It isn't someone else's problem.

It's yours and mine, and all of us under control by governments tweaked to favor the super rich. This is government controlled by the wealthy few, who, even though they're astronomically wealthy, enact laws that perpetuate our poorness and make them even richer. They provide loopholes in "the system." They can get away with it and you can't. You'll go to jail.

They've been gambling with OUR hard earned money while we struggle to survive. And it's Heads they win, tails you lose! You, the 99%.

It's so wrong yet so accepted! We see, we know how the system works and we accept it because there's nothing we can do about it.

But We CAN do something because RIGHT NOW, We The People are starting to stand up for ourselves. We have the numbers, don't we?
We are The 99%.

Please support your local Occupy group by joining us on our streets.
Let's end legalised theft by the corporations. Bring back government FOR the people BY the people. Get Money Out of Politics.

Thank you, my name is Makayla Schaller and not only do I endorse 
what I said but I said what I said. And this particular line of fine print
does not warn you of a possible danger, restrict your rights nor warn 
you that this is going to be a hell of a lot more expensive than you 
thought it would be, as do the contracts you have to sign. ;o)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I'm mad about the way things are for us as a nation. Pissed off that it's "He who has the gold makes the rules" when it should be "Do unto others as you'd have done to you."

Sure I'm mad about the greed but I'm really bent about the machine the rich people run (where they virtually buy laws to benefit themselves) and I'm sick of one particular tactic that's used against us. Deception. It is okay to trick someone out of their money...IF you are a corporation. It is perfectly legal for them to decieve us by way of diversion and confusion. They prey on the uneducated, the young and inexperienced, the old and failing, the apathetic, and in general, the poor.

"The large print giveth and the small print taketh away." ~ Tom Waits.

One has to be sharp and on their toes to read the fine print and understand it. And we need speed-hearing to get the disclaimers offered up after some commercials.  Pretty much every legally binding document we sign contains information in the small print that would persuade us in some degree NOT to sign. This information is being as close to hidden as it can legally be and will usually contain words that the many don't understand. But yea, when you sign it, you declare that you do understand, so it's all "legal."

It's legal because the super rich want it that way and it's legal only for them because they own the corporations for which the (their) laws were written. There are laws, of course, that forbid any outright deception and those are written for us; the majority; the pawns ... the conditioned. We now expect the fine print to be bad news, we expect to have our interest rate to increase, sometimes without notice and we're all used to "hidden" charges now. We expect to be ripped off. We expect that the people responsible for atrocities like oil spills and economy crashes will escape unscathed and with their money because, well, they have most of it and just trade it amongst themselves. Call me cynical. I call me conditioned.

Well, I may be conditioned but I'm pissed and now is the time for us to be heard. Occupy Savannah begins tomorrow.